About Us

Reaching out with the gospel, growing in faith, serving in love.

What to Expect

During our Sunday service, we encourage each other through singing songs, reading the Bible, praying and listening to a Bible talk. We encourage families to worship God together and as such we welcome little voices in our service as we are a family united together under God. If you are seeking truth and reality or searching for direction or meaning in your life, then come, see and hear what great things the Lord can do. Come and hear the voice of the living God as he speaks and applies truth by His Spirit through His word.

Whatever your spiritual journey – or even if you don’t have one – be assured of a very warm welcome in joining us for worship of the true and living God.

What We Believe

In Romans 1:16, Paul wrote, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of salvation to all who believe.” We trust the good news (‘gospel’) of Christ, that he is God’s Son, who lived a perfect life in the sight of his Father (Jesus’ righteousness); that he suffered and died on the cross as a punishment for our rebellion against God (‘sin’). We trust that he was made alive again and taken up to heaven where he is our one and only mediator, and where he is also preparing a place for us and for all those who trust in him for the forgiveness of sin.

We trust the Bible as God’s inerrant and infallible word, that has been breathed out for us (2 Tim 3:16) to make us complete, and to equip us for service to God and to others (Eph 4:11-12). As men and women who are sinners saved by God’s undeserved love (‘grace’), we recognise that we are no better than anyone else, we know that we are undeserving of God’s favour and so we worship and praise God and strive to live in obedience to him out of love and thankfulness for his grace.

Our lives are to be lived in service to God which is our daily sacrifice (Rom. 12:1) we do this by showing love to God and in showing love to others (Matt 22:36-40; Mark 12:28-31). We are convinced that the greatest way that we can show love to others is by helping them to know the love that God has for them in Jesus. A love that will spare them from eternal suffering (‘hell’) and bring them to eternal life (‘salvation’). We are also part of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria and of the wider body the Presbyterian Church of Australia. We uphold the Westminster Confession of Faith (as read in the light of the Declaratory Act) as holding the key truths to understanding scripture, but in all matters regarding faith, life and practice, the Bible is our final authority.

Our People

We are a body of believers and our church is made up of people just like you. Membership to the church is open to all those who confess faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to be saved from our disobedience to God.

As Presbyterians, we believe that the church is best governed when many people share in its oversight. Our ministers and elders are responsible for the spiritual oversight of the church and come together to pray and discuss these matters as a Session.


Commencing January 2025: Ryan Brightwell

The Wangaratta-Myrtleford parishes are pleased to be welcoming a new pastor commencing in January 2025: Ryan Brightwell.

Ryan concludes his training at the Presbyterian Theological College in 2024, after commencing in 2021. Before this Ryan worked on a family berry farm in the Yarra Valley.  Please pray with us that the Lord provides for the needs of Ryan and his family as they make this transition to north-east Victoria.


Session Clerk:  Ian Touzel
Elder: Max Cooper (Myrtleford)